Very few people realize that schools are divided into different types each catering to the needs of a distinct set of the population, if not all of it.
Schools are generally thought of as places where formal education is acquired, but it goes over and beyond to form character and mannerisms as well. Very few people realize that schools are divided into different types each catering to the needs of a distinct set of the population, if not all of it.
10 of these distinct school types are discussed in this article, as we explore the different options available to parents as they seek to get the best possible education for their children.
1. Public Schools.
These types of schools are generally accessible to anyone and everyone is encouraged to go within a particular community. They generally are bigger than most others and have the resources to match, this enables them to deliver the best possible education for little or no fee. Parents who want their children to form a wide social experience and give them access to a wide range of ideas and opinions would select a public school. These schools are usually affiliated with government bodies, giving students a wider range of opportunities.
2. Private Schools
Directly opposite the public schools in the option pool is the private school, it is generally sponsored by private investors and the tuition of students. Private schools are more expensive in comparison and tutors are relatively more hands-on with their students due to the small number of students per classroom. Students can pick and choose their curriculum, under the supervision of their parents. Private schools provide an opportunity for children to explore other talents and hobbies while acquiring quality education.
3. Charter Schools.
A charter school is considered a middle ground between private and public schools. It has the flexibility of private institutions and the funding and resources of a public school. They receive funding from the government and are run by the community with the aid of parents and teachers. Unlike the public or private schools, positions are limited and the admittance process after application by students falls to the lottery. This is the random selection of the names of students to be accepted.
4. Montessori Schools
Named after Mary Montessori, an Italian who founded the system of education, the Montessori system has gained publicity within private and public sectors. Teachers who work in these schools often have to acquire a more in-depth knowledge of how the system works. This makes the number of people in a classroom and hence, the school smaller in comparison to both public and private schools alike. The Montessori system of education allows a free-form classroom, where children are allowed their natural development under careful guidance and supervision.
5. Military Schools
The Navy, the Army, and the Airforce have academics that over both primary and secondary levels of education. The one unique factor is the strict discipline that comes from the fact that the military is in charge of its process. Made popular by the idea that only stubborn children or disturbing cases, the opinion is not completely correct as children who thrive in strict conditions also call these school types home. More often than not students who school here end up joining the military. This is commonly due to the strict discipline military schools offer and the child's personal preference.
6. Magnet Schools.
These are schools built to focus on a particular subject such as mathematics and the like, training and concentrating the pursuit of a well-rounded education in a singular field across classrooms. Magnet schools are free, usually and they admit students via lottery while taking into account the student’s proficiency in a particular subject.
7. Religious Schools
Usually established by religious bodies, these type of schools are usually funded by the religious body such as the Catholic Church or the Muslim community. These institutions have access to the funding of the startup religion. Sharing similarities with private institutions due to it's reliance on tuition and free-will donations, these institutions teach the basic tenets of the religion, while providing opportunities for students to become a members of the religion. More often than not, being a part of the belief system is a requirement for enrollment.
8. Boarding Schools
The idea behind boarding schools is to separate children from the home environment, and put them in an environment where the sole focus is teaching and learning. Parents looking to teach their children independence or cull them off bad habits, that my or may not affect them in the future. Boarding schools are gaining in publicity as more and more pop up in both the public and private sectors.
9. Online Schools
Learning from the comfort of your home with the flexible nature of the timetable, makes online schooling a perfect choice for older people who want to learn and advance their skill set or young adults looking to gather more certification. Colleges and higher institutions make learning online popular, giving a wide range of courses, free and paid, and is suing certification that is widely recognized.
10. Special Schools
Institutes of children with special needs due to a number of either physical or mental challenges are referred to as social schools. These institutions train children regardless of their age, in classes that varying levels of proficiency in order to give them the best out of their education. These schools are also publicly or privately owned and funded but the teachers are properly trained and the environment enabling to provide for each child's unique needs.
These 10 school types represent a broad spectrum of options from which parents can choose. But children as unique as they come might be, according to parental observation suitable for more than one, and this might cause misinterpretation and unsatisfactory results. So in choosing a school for your child, it's better to take the preference of the child into account as well.